Continuous annealing line (CAL)
Steel strip annealing is to even out the chemical composition and structure of the steel, refine the grain, adjust the hardness, eliminate internal stress and work hardening, and improve the forming and processing performance of the steel.
Continuous annealing is the process of heating the strip steel to an appropriate temperature under a protective atmosphere and keeping it for a certain period of time, and then cooling and overaging treatment. In order to improve the surface quality of the strip, an online leveling machine is generally designed.
Main features of the unit:
Raw material: strip steel: width: 600-1550mm, thickness: 0.2-1.2 (1.5) mm
Material: cold rolled steel coil SPCC, SPCD, SPCE, in line with JISG3141
Product quality: CQ, DQ and DDQ, in line with JISG3141
Unit speed: inlet 0-240mpm, process section, 0-180mpm, outlet section 0-240mpm
Annual output: 100,000-300,000tpy
Energy-saving method: waste heat recovery of exhaust gas, SUNNY patent
Continuous annealing furnace: full radiant tube heating (RTF), vertical
Fuel type: natural gas, liquefied petroleum gas, mixed gas, coke oven gas and electricity
Welding equipment: narrow lap seam welder
Degreasing form: chemical degreasing + electrolytic degreasing + tertiary water rinsing, vertical or horizontal
Smoothing machine: Four-roll wet smoothing, maximum rolling force of 6,000KN
Pull straightening machine: Two bending and two straightening (Optional)
Oiling method: Electrostatic oiling
Electrical control system: SIEMENS or ABB AC frequency conversion control system
Automation instrument: SIEMENS or ABB automation control system
The main process flow of the unit:

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Contact us
Add:No. 2, Guangzhou road, tuanshancheng Development Zone, Huangshi City, No. 101, Gaoxin 6th Road, Donghu New Technology Development Zone, Wuhan
Tel:156 7177 7755 / 027-59715061